适用范围 Application
DTS8588、DSS8588型三相电子式有功电能表( 带RS485通讯表)是为方便电力部门或用户监控电网质量而设计开发的电能表。具有较高的准确度和可靠性。本电能表采用的超低功耗大规模集成电路级数及 SMT 工艺制造。电子式三相有功电能表供参比频率为 50Hz 的三相电网中精确计量有功电能。该表型根据国家标准GB/T17215.321-2008《1 级和 2 级静止式交流有功电度表》设计,通讯规约符合 DL/T645-1997,DL/T 645-2007,Modbus-RTU《多功能表通讯规约》。
DTS8588, DSS8588 type three-phase electronic active watt-hour meter (also called watt-hour meter with RS485 interface) is designed and developed for electric power department or user to monitor the power grid quality, with high accuracy and reliability. The watt-hour meter adopts the advanced intermational large-scale integrated circuit of ultra-low power consumption and SMT process. It accuratrely measures the active energy of three-phase power grid with the reference ratio of 50Hz.lt is designed according to the national standard of GB/T17215.321-2008 Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classesl and 2) and its communication protocol has conformed to DL/T6451997, DL/T 645-2007,Modbus-RTUMulti-function watt-hour meter communication protocol.