适用范围 Application
DTSF8588、DSSF8588 系列三相四线、三相三线电子式多费率电能表用于测量三相四线和三相三线的有功电能,它采用微处理器技术和高精度宽量程数字化电能计量芯片,设计具有高精度、宽量程、稳定性高、低功耗。结构端庄稳重,采用专用 LCD 显示,以及元器件生产,从而电能表使用寿命长,免维护,抄表方便。该产品能正反向双向计量,具有一定防止反接窃电能力,并提供脉冲输出,方便用户检测,是国家推行分时电价政策的产品。
DTSF8588、DSSF8588 series three-phase fourwire,three-phase three-wire electronic multi-tariff watt-hour meter can be used for measuring active energy at three-phase four-wire system and threephase three-wire system. It adopts the latest MPU technology and digital energy measurement chip of high accuracy and wide range, it has many features such as high accuracy, wide range, high stability, low power consumption and graceful appearance. Because LCD or LED and military components are used, it is characterized with long service life, free maintenance and convenient meter reading. It can measure positively and negatively, and has ability of anti- electricity theft and pulse output, to take convenience for detecting. It is the first selection product for implementing.