LMZ(J)1-0.5/0.66 型电流互感器
面议LMK 口 (BH)-0.66 型电流互感器
面议HTSB8588 一卡通预付费智能水表
面议DDSH8588 系列多用户电能表
面议DTS8588, DSS8588 系列三相电子式电能表
面议DTSY8588、DSSY8588 系列三相电子式预付费电能表
面议DSSFU8588、DTSFU8588 三相电子式多费率导轨电能表
面议DTS(X)8588, DSS(X)8588 系列三相电子式有功无功组合电能表
面议DTS8588、DSS8588 系列三相带 RS485 通讯表
面议DXS8588 型三相电子式无功电能表
面议适用范围 Application
DDSU8588 导轨式单相电能表系我公司采用微电技术与专用大规模集成电路,应用数字采样处理技术及 SMT 工艺等技术研制开发的单相全电子式电能表。该表性能符合 GB/T17215.321-2008 国家标准和标准 IEC62053-21 中 1 或 2 级单相电能表的相关技术要求,可直接精确地测量额定频率为 50Hz或 60Hz 的单相交流电网中有功电能,由步进式机械计数器或液晶显示总用电量;具有可靠性好、体积小、重量轻、外形美观、安装方便。
DDSU8588 Single-Phase Electronic Guide rail electric Energy Meter is a kind of new style single phase two wire active energy meter, it adopts microelectronics technique, and imported large scale integrate circuit, use advanced technique of digital and SMT techniques, etc. It has minimum size, and also a new single phase two wire active energy meter.It has already passed the test of the international authority CE. The meter completely accord with relevant technical requirements of class 1 single phase active energy meter stipulated in international standard IEC 62053-21. It can accurately and directly measure 50Hz or 60Hz active energy consumption from single phase AC electricity net. This meter has white back light source eight digits LCD monitors shows the active energy power consumption. It has following features: Good reliability, small volume,light weight, specious nice appearance, convenient installation, etc.