◆ SDB产品特点
Product Feature
★ SDB箱式风机设计在保证消防安全的前提下,特别考虑降低噪音,消音材料的选择,消音层设计等方面做了大量的研究和实践。风机进口两侧空间与入口直径比符合AMCA标准值。经过测试,SDB系列风机箱的声功率级比同系列单层箱体产品低10分贝左右。是降低噪音排风的理想选择,适合需要安静的场所使用。
A lot of research has been focused on reducing noise level generated by the fan .This research includes acoustic evaluation of the fan structure, careful selection of the insulation material, and optimal acoustic lining. The ratio of reserved distance from sidewall to inlet bell compare with inlet bell diameter designed according to AMCA recommandation .The sound power level of the SDB double wall fan model is rated at 5-7dB(A)below that of the single wall model.SDB is an ideal choice for low noise Ventilation requirements, and is especially suitable for large public buildings.
A. low noise cabinet fan (Type A :Motor positioned in air flow pathwan ,
D:Double wall insulation)
B. Economical duct fan(Type A:Motor positioned in air flow pathway,
S:Single wall housing)
C. For both smoke removal and normal exhaust (Type B:Motor positioned
Away from air flow, D: Double wall insulation)
D. Positive pressure supply fan for smoke emergency (Type B:Motor positioned
Away from air flow, S: Single wall housing)
E. Kitchen exhaust fan, low noise type (Type B: Motor positioned away from air flow, D: Double wall insulation)
Certificates and regulations
SDB fans are tested by the “China National Fixed Fire Fighting System and Fire Resistant Components Quality inspection and Testing Center”. The fan typical performance is approved in compliance with the “General Usage Centrifugal Fan Technical Specidication”(China Nation Standard GB/T13275-91).The Fans are also tested according to the China Standard GA211-1999”Fire Fighting Smoke Removal Fan High Temperature Testing Method”, run continuously over 30 minutes at a main air duct temperature of 280c.The Fan are certified to resist high temperatures.
SDB fans comply with the China Nation Standard GB50067-97(“Codes of Fire Fighting Design of Garage/Car
Repairing facilities/parking lot”)
Model selection quality improved
Factory optimized design :model selection quality improved COOK has identified different characteristics between the forward curved and the backward inclined wheels, its designs are based on those working areas with optimal performance ,to maximize the fans performance Scope ,reduce the risk of inappropriate model application, and improve the model selection process. Both ends of the performance curve (of either low efficiency or surge )have been eliminated from the design process, with the remaining area fully described by 6 working points .This further enhances the reliability and precision of the model selection.
More benefit for customer
SDB offers a number of different fan configurations, to cater for different customer requirements. Customers may consider such factors as motor position, acoustic insulation type and housing material on the basis of Different performance and application requirements, or site-specific demands as well as total budget. DIY (Do it yourself) flexibility in the fans configuration adds value to the customers investment.
Critical motor selection
As the level of noise generated by the motor is critical, COOK carefully selects the motors. We work with well known motor suppliers and use only imported bearings inside the motor to ensure the motor noise level is minimized and falls within the recongnized COOK range. For two -speed motor, the high/low power combination is more suitable for fan application.