- 公司名称
- 上海河山泵业有限公司
- 经营模式
- 其他
- 所在地区
- 主营产品
- 产品数量
- 116条
上海河山泵业有限公司(原上海河山液压机械厂)成立于八十年代,其后重组改为上海河山泵业有限公司,国内泵阀生产规模较大的研究开发制造基地之一,是一家集科研开发、设计咨询、销售于一体的经济实体。 公司自成立以来本着以人才为资本,以技术为动力,以客户需求为己任的经营理念,坚持“以客户为中心"的服务宗旨,产品不断优化、推陈出新。 目前,我厂生产的配件是我国配套范围泛单位之一,产品远销全国二十四个省、市、自治区,部分产品齿轮油泵、螺杆泵已实现出口,水泵广泛应用于化工、医药、食品、轻工、染料等工业中的蒸馏、结晶、干燥、浓缩、过滤以及真空冶炼的除汽、电气工业中的浸渗等,企业连续十几年被授于“重合同,守信用"荣誉称号,深受广大客户的好评。 在新的世纪里,我们决心以新的更高的起点研究开发新产品,以科技求发展,进一步推进企业上规模;产品上档次;管理上水平。坚持“用户、以诚为本,信誉至上,"的宗旨,为广大用户提供的服务,为实现辉煌的明天而携手共进。 Shanghai Heshan Pump Co., Ltd. (former Shanghai Heshan Hydraulic Machinery Factory) was established in the eighties, then re-changed to Shanghai Heshan Pump Co., Ltd., the domestic production of large-scale valve manufacturing base in research and development is one of a set of scientific research and development, design consulting, sales in one economic entity. Since its inception in line with talents, capital, technology-driven, customer demand as its own business philosophy. Adhere to the "customer-centric" principle of service, product constantly optimize, get rid of. At present, our factory components produced in China one of the units supporting the widest range of products are exported to the country 24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and some are gear pumps, pumps for export has been widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, light industry, dye and other industries in the distillation, crystallization, drying, concentration, filtering, and vacuum refining of the inter gas, electric industry in the infiltration and so on, companies have been granted more than ten years in a row "heavy contract, keep promise" in honor title, well received by the customers. In the new century, we are determined to start a new and higher research and development of new products, technology development, further promote the business on the scale; product grade; management level. Adhere to the "customers first, sincerity-oriented, credibility first, quality assurance," the purpose, in order to provide customers with first-class services for the realization of a brilliant tomorrow hand in hand.
- 会员
- 免费会员会员第1年
- 基本信息
- 总人数,年销售额:
- 品牌
- 公司名称
- 上海河山泵业有限公司
- 注册资本
- 人民币1080万元
- 注册号
- 913101147503156349
- 登记机关
- 嘉定区市场监管局
- 营业期限
- 2003年05月13日-2023年05月12日
- 注册地址
- 上海芷江西路521弄4号3F
- 成立日期
- 2003年05月13日
- 法人代表
- 池蓓芳
- 企业类型
- 经营范围
- 水泵、阀门、给水设备、机电设备、变频控制器、管道设备、泵阀配件的销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】