

参考价: 面议

2023-10-24 13:51:33





可编程交流电源,输出容量500VA,输出频率45~500Hz,输出电压0~310Vrms,电压测量范围0~310Vrms,电流测量范围2mA~17.5Arms(0~200Apeak),功率测量范围0.2W~3000W,功率因数测量范围0.000~1.000,USB Host、LAN接口,4.3"屏幕显示。


APS-7000 is a series of programmable linear AC power supply, with the height of 2U and output frequency range is 45~500Hz, , the maximum rated output for APS-7050 is 500VA, 310Vrms, 4.2Arms and APS-7100 is 1000VA, 310Vrms, 8.4Arms. The optional collocation can be extended to the maximum output voltage of 600Vrms and maximum output frequency of 999.9Hz. The APS-7000 series comprises nine measurement and test functions (Vrms, Irms, F, Ipk, W, VA, PF, Ipk hold, CF), and provides user interface similar to that of AC Power Meter. The APS-7000 series, via switching many sets of current levels to increase small current measurement resolution, is ideal for the LED industry and standby mode power consumption test. To meet the test criteria of line voltage fluctuation often seen in consumer electronics, APS-7000 series not only supply a stable source of AC, they also features five methods to cope with special purpose or abnormal voltage, frequency, and phase; ten sets of the Simulate mode simulate power outage, voltage increase, and voltage drop; ten sets of the Sequence mode allow users to define parameters and produce sine wave by editing steps; ten sets of the Program mode can edit AC waveform output and define the ceiling and floor level of measurement items for different DUT; Ramp Control allows users to set the variation speed for output voltage rise and fall; Surge/Dip Control simulates DUT’s input power producing a Surge or Dip voltage overlapping with output voltage waveform at a specific time.

The series is ideal for user to produce high complicated waveform and transient waveform to verify electronic product operation under adverse condition.


4.3 inch TFT-LCD Display, Only 88mm(2U) case height

Output Capacity: APS-7050(500VA), APS-7100 (1000VA)

Arbitrary Waveform Function

Surge/ Dip control for output artificial surges or dips in voltage to a DUT

Measurement function comprises Voltage, Current, Power, Apparent Power, Current(peak), IPKH, Frequency, Power Factor, Crest Factor

10 sets of the Sequence mode, Simulate mode, and Programming mode

10 sets of Preset allow users to store ten settings

Support Sequence, Simulate, and Program to automatically execute output after the equipment power is on

Support SCPI Emulation, LabVIEW Driver

Standard interface: USB Host, LAN

Support remoter control: Sync Output, Program mode signal output, Trigger In/Out, Output on/off

Option interface: GPIB (APS-001)RS232/USB CDC (APS-002)


1 电压输出选件 APS-003 APS7000系列电压输出选件,电压输出/测量范围0~600Vrms。 ¥3500.00
2 频率输出选件 APS-004 APS7000系列频率输出选件,频率输出/测量范围45.00~999.9Hz。 ¥3500.00
3 面板机架 GRA-423 面板机架,用于APS-7000系列。 ¥1300.00
4 RS-232C/USB接口 APS-002 RS-232C/USB接口。 ¥2200.00
5 GPIB接口 APS-001 GPIB接口。 ¥2200.00
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