

参考价: 面议

2023-04-02 15:56:57





- 伽马辐射智能探头-在每一个独立的测量通道里都有广泛的剂量率测量范围- 正常和紧急操作模式-超过极限值,可进行听觉和视觉报警-通过电话线和无线电频道,进行可靠的数据传输- 长久指示,每10分钟更新-数字数据重传- 外部显示板-UPS(不间断电源)- 诊断全处理设备的可操作性- 在每一个通道,有独立自动测量信息数据库-不拆卸智能探头校准- 带风向和速度,降水和温度传感器



 Flexible and reliable multi-channel system for environmental and area radiation monitoring of large radiation-dangerous and radiation-sensitive targets


- Gamma radiation smart probes  
- Independent measurement in each channel withtin a wide dose rate measuring range  
- Normal and emergency operation modes  
- Specifying alarm threhsolds for each smart probe  
- Audible and visual alarm at threshold exceeding  
- reliable data transfer by telephone lines and radio channels  
- Permanent indication updating every 10 min  
- Digital data retransmission  
- External indication board  
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)  
- Full addressing diagnostics of equipment operability  
- Independent information databases at each automatic measuring posts  
- Calibration without demounting smart probes  
- Wind direction and speed, precipitation and temperature sensors  


Automatic measuring post (AMP)

Smart probe AT2343 provides absorbed gamma radaition dose rate measuring in the range from 25 nGy/h to 10 Gy/h. Two-chamber Geiger-Muller counters are used as detectors. Data from a smart probe is transmitted to a uniform terminal controller by RS485. Wind speed and direction sensor, precipitation sensor and temperature sensor, external indication board can be connected to the terminal controller. It is possible to provide the terminal controller with a radio unit, a radio station, a radio mast with TL antenna and (or) a telephone unit taking into account communication channels in use. Applied software of automatic measuring post provides digital data forwarding, so it is possible to extend automatic measuring post network to big distances. The system supplies from an uninterruptible power supply. There are two operation modes: an economical mode for operation under normal environment and the mode with frequent data transmission for operation under emergency radiation surrounding. It is possible to create independent databases and maintain data keeping for more that a year due to the nonvolatile memory.

Local response center (LRC)

PC is used as the central control unit, which is delivered together with the terminal controller. Applied software runs under Windows® and provides system configuration, data readout and its processing. There are a map of controlling area and dose rate value in control points on PC display. Dose rate values can be presented as a table or a graph with value averaging for any time period. The processing algorithm detects a sudden dose rate change and switches the emergency operation mode as a result. Alarm threshold exceeding in any smart probe or failure of any system unit are displayed on PC as color zones and accompanied by audible alarm. Acquired from smart probe dose rate results are kept in the datatbase.

Number of detectors in smart probe 6
Number of smart probes connected to AMP from 1 to 32
Number of AMPs from 1 to 128
Absorbed gamma radiation dose rate measuring range 25 nGy/h - 10 Gy/h
Smart probe sensitivity on 137Cs 15000 cnt/µGy
Gamma radiation energy range 0.05-1.5 MeV
Intrinsic measurement error ± 15 %
Interface RS 485
3-level audible and visual alarm  
Operating temperature range  
smart probes and open-air device -35 - +50°С
inside units +5 - +40°С
Maximum distance between a smart probe and terminal controller 1000 m
Radio channel communication range between automatic measuring posts at plain ground up to 30 km
Protection class  
smart probes IP57
other units IP54
Radio disturbance  
CEI/IEC CISPR 22:1997  
Electromagnetic compatibility  
CEI/IEC 61000-4-2:1995  
IEC 61000-4-3:1995  
Power requirements  
AC mains, 220 (+22; -33)V, 50±2 Hz  
In case of emergency power interruption - accumulator battery 12.6 (+1.3; -1.6) V
上一篇:田间小气候监测站-一款用于农业领域的田间气象站2024顺丰包邮 下一篇:机械式气象站-一款能够自动监测和记录环境的气象监测仪器2024顺丰包邮
