我公司生产的皮带传输机具有运输量大,结构简单,维修方便,部件标准化等优点。 该产品主要用于矿山,冶金和煤炭等行业;主要用于输送松散物料或成件物品。 根据输送的工艺要求, 可以单台输送,也可以多台组合或遇其他输送设备组成水平货倾斜的输送系统,以满足不同形式的作业线需求。 The belt conveyors consist of standard parts and they have the advantages of large transfer quantity, simple structure, and easy maintenance. They are widely used in mining, metallurgy, and coal industry to transfer sandy or lump material or packaged material. With the different transfer requirements, they can be singly used, be combined together, and also be used with other equipments to form a horizontal or beveled transferring system to meet different operating line. ●主要技术参数: Main Technical Parameters
我公司生产的皮带传输机具有运输量大,结构简单,维修方便,部件标准化等优点。 该产品主要用于矿山,冶金和煤炭等行业;主要用于输送松散物料或成件物品。 根据输送的工艺要求, 可以单台输送,也可以多台组合或遇其他输送设备组成水平货倾斜的输送系统,以满足不同形式的作业线需求。 The belt conveyors consist of standard parts and they have the advantages of large transfer quantity, simple structure, and easy maintenance. They are widely used in mining, metallurgy, and coal industry to transfer sandy or lump material or packaged material. With the different transfer requirements, they can be singly used, be combined together, and also be used with other equipments to form a horizontal or beveled transferring system to meet different operating line. ●主要技术参数: Main Technical Parameters