





选用配置 Optional Equipments 光电保护装置 Light curtain Protection 油冷却装置 Oil cooling devic...


选用配置 Optional Equipments

光电保护装置 Light curtain Protection

油冷却装置 Oil cooling device

触摸式工业显示屏 Touch screen

快速换模 Fast changing die




This series of press is applicable to the calibration process of axis parts and section bars,and also applicable to the press fitting of axis parts and steeve parts,the stretching,bending,pressing,forming and blanking of simple panel parts,even applicable to the pressing of common powder and plastic products.

性能特点 Features

计算机优化直立式C型结构设计,刚性好; Computer optimization vertical C-shaped structure design,with goood rigidity;
机身采用钢板焊接,焊后整体回火,确保机身稳定性; The body is welded by steel plates,tenpering on the whole body after welding,to guarantee the stability of the body;
机器各部件均安装于机身内,外观整齐美观; All the components and parts are installed inside the body,which makes the appurtenance near and artistic;
液压系统采用手动换向阀,调速方便; Hand-operated direction valve is applied to hydraulic system,which is convenient to control the speed;with two operating modes;manual opreation and pedal operation;
滑块采用导柱导向,抗偏载能力强; Guide pillar guiding is applied to the sliding block,which is with strong capability of anti-unbalance loading;
具有独立的液压和电气控制系统,采用按钮集中控制,可实现定程和定压两种成型工艺,机器行程、压力可在规定范围内调节。 With independent hydraumatic and electrical control sysrem,centralized control b buttons,to realize two forming process:fixed distance and fixed pressure,and the travel and pressure of thr equipment can adjusted within the specified range.

技术参数 Specifications 单位 YD41-10C YD41-25C YD41-40C YD41-63C YD41-63
公称力 Nominal kN 100 250 400 630 630


Opening Height

校正 Correcting mm —— —— 600 550 ——
压装 Pressing mm 630 630 770 800 800
滑块行程 Stroke Of Slide mm 400 500 500 500 500
喉深 Throat Depth mm 250 290 325 350 350
落料孔槽尺寸(直径)Shank Hole mm 140 180 200 200 200


Slide Speed

下行 Ldle Down mm/s 80 50 40 50 50
回城 Retrn mm/s 160 110 80 100 100
工作台尺寸 Bolster 左右 L-R 校正 Correcting mm —— —— 1000 1600 ——
压装 Pressing mm 410 510 600 630 650
前后 F-B mm 420 570 550 600 600
工作台距地面高度   Between Bolster&Floor 校正 Correcting mm —— —— 770 850 ——
压装 Pressing mm 710 710 600 600 730
主电机功率 Motor Power kN 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 7.5

技术参数 Specifications 单位 YD41-100C YD41-160 YD41-200 YD41-315 YD41-400 YD41-500
公称力 Nominal kN 1000 1600 2000 3150 4000 5000


Opening Height

校正 Correcting mm 600 700 —— —— —— ——
压装 Pressing mm 900 1000 1200 1200 1200 1500
滑块行程 Stroke Of Slide mm 500 500 710 800 800 900
喉深 Throat Depth mm 350 350 360 380 450 800
落料孔槽尺寸(直径)Shank Hole mm 200 200 200 200 200 200


Slide Speed

下行 Ldle Down mm/s 34 27 90 100 100 100
回城 Retrn mm/s 75 70 60 65 65 70
工作台尺寸 Bolster 左右 L-R 校正 Correcting mm 2000 2000 —— —— —— ——
压装 Pressing mm 700 750 1400 1800 1800 2000
前后 F-B mm 600 600 800 1200 1300 1400
工作台距地面高度    Between Bolster&Floor 校正 Correcting mm 1000 1000 —— —— —— ——
压装 Pressing mm 700 700/630 900 1200 1400 1400
主电机功率 Motor Power kN 7.5 11 15 22 22 37