湖南娄底12寸绞吸式抽沙船 |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1、基本描述 船体由两浮体组货前经完整装配和测试,可简便快速的安装到现场即可运行标准设计,交货及时,按照沿海水域标准设计。 绞吸式挖泥抽沙船是目前在疏滩清淤工程、采沙工程中运用较广泛的一种设备,它是利用吸管前端装设的旋转绞刀装置,将河底泥沙进行切割和搅动,借助强大的泵力将绞起的泥沙物料通过输送管道输送到泥沙物料堆积场,它的挖泥沙、运泥沙、卸泥沙等工作过程,可以一次连续完成,它是一种效率高、成本较低的泥沙挖掘设备,是良好的水下挖掘机械。 The ship is not self-propulsion、cutter suction dredging equipment. The floating part is made up of several boxes. The dredger equipments include sideslip device、cutter up and down device、location spud device、deck crane and so on. The main engine is a independent entrainment form, one main pump engine, one auxiliary hydraulic engine. Mud pump host output belt has clutch reduction Function. 泥泵由主柴油机经齿轮减速箱驱动。 Dredge pump is driven by the main engine gear decelerating box. 应急泵站机组提供停工时船上照明及应急等用电。 Lighting and emergency power for stopping working will be offered by the Emergency hydraulic unit. 绞刀由液压马达驱动,绞刀轴承设有润滑密封装置。 Cutter will be driven by the motor and cutter bearing with lubricating sealing device. 本船配置的横移绞车、绞刀架起升绞车均由液压马达驱动。 The sides way winch and lifted winch are both driven by the hydraulic motor. 定位桩、台车由液压油缸驱动。 Positioning steel piles and Walking platform truck are both driven by the hydraulic cylinder. 抛锚、起锚绞车由液压马达驱动。 Anchor winch will be driven by the motor. 液压油泵由辅机驱动。 A hydraulic pump driven by the auxiliary. 2. 使用条件、规范 Work condition, standard。 2.1作业环境条件 Work condition --- 环境空气温度:The Maximum Temperature 500C ----环境空气温度 The Minimum Temperature -100C --- 机舱温度 The Maximum Temperature of The Cabin 500C --- 河(海)水温度 The Maximum Temperature of The River (Sea)Water 300C ----相对湿度 The Relative Humidity ≤70% 2.2适合航区 Appropriate working area 沿海及其以下水域疏浚、挖沙作业。 Navigating area of level A in the inland river as well as lower than A, for sand dredging activity. 2.3 作业土质 Appropriate soil texture: Ⅲ级及其以下疏浚土及铁板沙。 Dredging soil and iron sand with Level Ⅲ as well as lower thanⅢ