Ÿ 农学
Ÿ 植物学
Ÿ 生态学
Ÿ 昆虫学
Ÿ 园艺学
Ÿ 植物生理学
Ÿ 实时图像显示
Ÿ 高分辨率为0.065mm2,可以精准的测量很小的叶片,包括:拟南芥;AM300也可以用于测量根面积,菌丝面积
Ÿ 真正的野外便携式,轻便,满电情况下,可连续测量3000次
Ÿ 无损测量
Ÿ 简单快速测量,无需固定叶片位置
Ÿ 整体数据和图像存储
Ÿ USB下载图像和数据
Ÿ 测量参数:叶面积,叶长,叶宽,叶周长,平均叶面积,累计叶面积,比率和形状系数,并且可以存储扫描叶片的黑白图片
Ÿ 测量单位:mm或cm(用户可选)
Ÿ 扫描器:内置LED光源的接触式图像传感器阵列
Ÿ 扫描速度:20mm/s
Ÿ 测量宽度:103mm
Ÿ 测量长度:2m
Ÿ 精度:长,宽+/-1%,面积+/-2%,周长+/-5%
Ÿ 分辨率:0.065mm2
Ÿ 内存:256kB RAM,大约2000组数据
Ÿ 显示器:64×240像素LCD显示器
Ÿ 电池:内置1.2Ah镍氢电池包
Ÿ 充电:电源适配器或者12V电池充电,具备电池状态指示灯
Ÿ 续航时间:每次充电后可进行约3000次测量
Ÿ 电脑接口:Mini-BUSB接口和RS232接口
Ÿ 工作温度:0℃ - 45℃
Ÿ 尺寸:275mm×250mm×30mm
Ÿ 重量:1.8 kg
Estimating the Leaf Area of Cut Roses in Different Growth Stages Using Image Processing and Allometrics
1. Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectral Properties and Traits across Multiple Species, Tawanda W. Gara , Roshanak Darvishzadeh, Andrew K. Skidmore and Tiejun Wang, Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 346
2. Estimating the Leaf Area of Cut Roses in Different Growth Stages Using Image Processing and Allometrics, Ana Patrícia Costa, Isabel Pôças and Mário Cunha, Horticulturae 2016, 2, 6
3. Influence of cover crop treatments on the performance of a vineyard in a humid region, Emiliano Trigo-Córdoba, Yolanda Bouzas-Cid et al. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(4), e0907, 12 pages (2015)
4. Evapotranspiration measurement and estimation using modified Priestley–Taylor model in an irrigated maize field with mulching, R Ding, et. al, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013
5. Multiscale spectral analysis of temporal variability in evapotranspiration over irrigated cropland in an arid region, R Ding, et. al, Agricultural Water Management, 2013
6. Determination of single and dual crop coefficients and ratio of transpiration to evapotranspiration for canola, Majnooni-Heris, et. al, Annals of Biological Research, 2012
7. Whole-Tree Water Use Efficiency Is Decreased by Ambient Ozone and Not Affected by O3-Induced Stomatal Sluggishness, Y Hoshika, et. al, PloS one, 2012
8. Water stress drastically reduces root growth and inulin yield in Cichorium intybus (var. sativum) independently of photosynthesis, B Vandoorne, et. al, J. Exp. Bot., 2012
9. Chloroplastidic pigments, gas exchange, and carbohydrates changes during Carapa guianensis leaflet expansion, FKC Moraes, et. al, Photosynthetica, 2011