DDSY8588 单相电子式 RS485 型预付费电能表(阶梯电价式)
适用范围 Application
DDSY8588 单相电子式 RS485 型预付费电能表 用于新建或改造的城镇居民小区及农村等单相用电用户电能计量,具有预付费功能,特别适合居民住宅小区、机关、厂矿、学校等安装现场,可有效解决收费难问题,是推进需求侧管理工作有效手段。
DDSY8588 Single-phase electronic RS485 type prepaid watt-hour meter,it was used in single phase user measure power,it has prepaid fee function ,specially resident house zone ,enterprise factory and school, it can resolve the problem which the charging fee is very different,it is one effect way which improve demanding and manage work.