J41N-25C 燃气截止阀
简介:『J41N-25C』型燃气截止阀系列产品,是专门为燃气、煤气等制作的控制设备。是采用聚四氟乙烯或尼龙/柔性石墨作为密封填料的截止阀, 具有双重密封结构 ,提高了密封性能 ,金属硬密封面保护软密封材料不过载受损 ,阀门使用寿命长 ;阀瓣内装有弹性装置 ,当阀门外部失火时 ,软密封材料被高温烧毁 ,其弹性装置仍能保证阀门紧闭。
【主要结构性能参数】structure performance parameters:
★. Driving mode: manual
★. Connection classification: 1 female, 2 male, 4. The welding flanges, 6
★. Manufacturing caliber: DN15 DN350 or less
☆.流道结构分类: 直通流道、Z型流道、角式流道
★. Flow channel structure categories: straight flow channel, Z flow channel, Angle type flow channel
★. Seat or sealing material: type soft seal and hard seal type, etc.
★. Working pressure: 1.6 ~ 6.4 (MPa).
★. Body and bonnet material: carbon steel, cast steel, chromium nickel stainless steel and so on.
★. The range of the temperature: 550 ℃ or less.
★. Applicable medium: water, steam, oil, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, coal gas, urea and other media.
★. Valve body, valve stem material: stainless steel, cast steel, etc
上海杰一阀门品牌多年从事阀门设计=制造=销售,【燃气截止阀】产品质量多年得到国内外客户实地使用证明了【】产品量可靠性。我公司对【】产品质量提供(质量三包)销售后服务! 上海杰一☎:①③⑨①⑥⑦0⑧⑦⑥③