Watergates Watergates
德国国内一级代理商上海智川工贸有限公司常年低价供应德国阀门,刀闸阀,执行器,限位开关,执行器。德国 GmbH & Co. KG于1980年成立。作为活门的生产企业提供内容广泛且具有革新性的产品。 通过DIN EN ISO 9001认证确保了企业拥有认可的具有标准化流程的质量管理系统。
Since 1980 has been the ideal partner for design and production of sophisticated Knife-gate valves made of grey cast iron and stainless steel.
On the one hand we are a reliable manufacturer and supplier offering a wide range of industrial valves, on the other hand we are a proven partner giving competent advice, guaranteeing short assembly and delivery times, and providing design and production in accordance with individual customer requirements.
德国主要产品:阀门,刀闸阀,执行器,限位开关,摆动液压缸 、 楔形闸阀、 关断闸阀 、刀型闸阀 、闸式阀 、 不锈钢球阀 刀闸阀,执行器,限位开关,阀门配件等。